Carbon filters


New Member
Tell me do most of you agree that you should not be using carbon filters in saltwater aqariums due to the fact that they remove too many important stuff. My water is so crystal clear and I'm not sure if I could have as clear of water without the use of carbon. All of your help would be greatly appriciated. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :confused:


New Member
uhh... I don't think you can really "see" ammonia except in mass quintities and gathered up into a huge clump. But you can
sure "smell" it.
most the people here recommend ammonia only
for shorts amounts of time before renewal.
Like 2 weeks or something.


Active Member
Carbon removes some trace elements.
My water is crystal clear and I don't use carbon or any other mechanical filtration.

fishy wishy

New Member
Hey BurnNSpy,
No mechanical filtraton? Are you only using the DSB of live sand? Not using a protein skimmer?
Fishy Wishy


Active Member
I don't consider a skimmer a type of mechanical filtration, but a biological filter.
I do use a small skimmer. I don't us filter pads, screens, balls etc., just LR and LS.


Active Member
You need much more flow then the 1 powerfilter. I recommend adding 2 powerheads that can flow 300gph each also.