Carbon in Nano


New Member
I just got my new 12 gallon aquapod who hooo. I want to do a reef tank and it says I should take out the media and bioballs.
Do I have to take the Carbon out too or leave it in?
Thank you


i have a bag of activated carbon in one of my back chambers, and i have been running things like that since the beginning. no problems at all. i took out the bioballs and put in some live rock gravel that i put in a bag, i also have a slightly modified fission skimmer in the same chamber with the pump. i have tons of healthy zoos, rics, mushrooms, xenia, and frogspawn that live in this setup, as well as a perc and a firefish. hope this helps


honestly, do what you feel. either way is fine. i personally go the natural route and took out the carbon and bio balls. I have used only the sponge filters in the back and LR rubble for almost 3 years and have never had any major issues. in fact, ive kept an RBTA in my tank for 7 months now, and its doing great. i just love LR's natural filtration - best way to go!