Carbon??? Never Used? Suggestions


New Member
I set up my tank almost one year ago and it looks great. I have never added carbon or use a protein skimmer. It is a 110 tall, with 2 250 watt metal halides, 2 frog spawns, xenia, acropora, various mushrooms, kenya tree, a very large colt coral, and other stuff. ANYWAYS I was wondering about the carbon deal. Suggestions on use (type, frequency) and results would be appreciated. Also same about the skimmer. I use a filter with miracle mud, and live caleupra. I would like to take my tank to the next level. HELP PLEASE


Congrat's on having what sounds like a great setup. Do you have many fish in the tank?
Both protein skimming and carbon have some negative side effects. However for most of us the benefits far outweight the "potential" of over skimming or having carbon filter out good trace elements. If you're doing frequent water changes, I don't personally think you're likely to remove to many trace elements though. Theres a recent magazine article thats brought about quite a bit of debate on both. So this you're best off researching this as much as you can and makeing your own decision.
I personally am currently running carbon 24-7. My only concern with running it that often is that its also being a somewhat mechanical filter. I'm useing a magnum hob carbon filter, and I prefer to avoid any mechanical filtration.