Carbon question and Raw shrimp for cycle question


Thought I would post this question here since it's not getting looked at in the Nano section:
Trying to decide how much Chemi-Pure Elite and Purigen to buy...
Anyone able to tell me how much I will need to add to a 29 gallon biocube? often do they need to be replaced? That will help me decide if I need to stock up on it or if I can wait a little while before buying more. (trying to spread out my start up money on lots of things...rather than buying in bulk now)
How long does a raw shrimp need to be left in the tank (29 gallons) for it to effectivly start a cycle?
Please don't flame me, but I don't have a test kit YET! I plan on getting one after I get back from vacation. But I figured, my tank is going to cycle if I have a kit or not....just want to make sure I do the steps needed to help the cycle along.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you


Well-Known Member
I'll take a stab at this but it might appear to (at first) not be a direct anwser.
I don't use any chemicals or filter media of any kind.
I don't recommend or use the raw shrimp method.
What I recommend is you first balance out the tank with plant life like various algaes. Macros and algae turf scrubbers are a good place to start. Then do the rest.
What happens is the plant life will consume the ammonia directly preventing the dangerous ammonia->nitrItes spikes. While consumeing carbon dioxide and returning oxygen.
I just let the tank alone for week or so then add a low bioload like a single male molly. The don't feed that fish for a week.
That way you establish a balanced and stable system without stressing the fish.
my .02


I have a 29 bio and I LOVE purigen and chemipure elite. I bought the 250ml bottle of purigen and used half. The bottle states it treats up to 250 gallons for 6 months, at which time you can treat it and re-use. Great investment. Also bought the smaller chemi-pure elite and put it straight in (it comes in a filter sock). My water is pretty. :0
Shrimp question I don't know, I waited the 6 weeks or so for the cycle to do its own thing. It worked great. Patience is important I am learning, but get that kit when you get home from vacation, so you know what is going on.
All is IMO, of course.
Have a great trip.


Thanks for the replies. At the time of this, I had already started the shrimp method. By the time I get back from vacation, my tank will have been up and running for about 5 weeks. I just wanted to make sure it had a cycle now, so it can balance out in the course of that time frame.
I do plan on using chaeto in the fuge, but that's my only plant life I had planned on using. I've heard so many great things about purigen and chemipure, so I knew I wanted to give those a try. (can't wait to see 'polished' water!)
rtlimpus: what do you mean I can "treat it and re-use"? I wasn't aware that I can re-use the purigen...if so, how do I 'treat' it?
Thanks again!


Originally Posted by Clown-Lover
rtlimpus: what do you mean I can "treat it and re-use"? I wasn't aware that I can re-use the purigen...if so, how do I 'treat' it?
Thanks again!
It tells you right on the container how to do it, but if memory serves you soak it in part bleach and water until the brown is gone (it turns brown as it ages) and then soak in clean waterto reuse. It will give you the directions tho. Keep us posted!


Active Member
I've used Chemi-Pure for many years and love it. One 10oz bag should last at least 6 months or so in a tank your size. Chemi-Pure Elite just adds ferric hydroxide to the Chemi-Pure. This stuff removes phosphate & silicate and is usually exhausted after just a few weeks. The Elite is more expensive and you shouldn't need the FH full time. I'd suggest you use regular CP and, down the road, you can run FH---if and when you need it.