Carbon & trace elements


New Member
Hello all
Will activated carbon (Kent Marine) remove all the trace element I add? Like Strontium, calcium, iodine etc?
Thanks all you fishmastes

the claw

Active Member
Yes, it will remove your trace elements. Thats one of its major downfalls. Just means more water changes. IMO, the good points of using carbon outweigh the bad points.
South Africa! COOL. What part of the country is your town. I have family that just moved to Jeffries Bay (sp?). Actually, they have been there one year this month. They went there to set up a church. Personally if it were me, I'd be on safari.


It does remove certain trace elements. There's a large debate on whether to use carbon all the time or just part of the time. Do a search for carbon and I think you should find a decent amount of info.


Well-Known Member
I agree. South Africa cool. Guess we won't be telling you to go to you local home depot there. :D
Yes activated carbon does remove trace elements along with the bad stuff. As does most other filtering systems including plant life.
The good stuff like calcium and other trace elements should be returned to the system through the various means. The most obvious is substraits like aragonite and curshed coral which buffer calcium, magnesium and others.
I hope you are not adding trace elements without first testing for those elements. I very well could be that a particular trace element is already too high and either the doseing is not needed or is actually degrading the system.
Again south Africa cool. and welcome


New Member
Good to be speaking with you guys!!
I stay about 15km's from Johannesburg (10 miles for you he he) in a suburb called Germiston. It is 1100km (about 700 miles) from Jeffreys Bay (Jaybay) as they call it.
We got a big holiday house there and we going down again in December !! I still prefer our eastern coast though, there is no wind and it has a very tropical climate (Coconuts and all). That is where a lot of our corals and stuff come from as it is right next to the Mozabique Coast.
You are right we don't have those home depot stores but we got plenty others I can asure you.
Well it seems I have some research to do and thanks alot for all the info.
P.S Sorry if my English is not up to scratch, my home language is Afrikaans. Here is your first lesson : Good day = Goeie dag
Good Bye = Tot siens