Carbon use in reef tanks


I have heard you should not use carbon in a reef tank because it removes calcium. Now I am starting to hear more people are using it just to be on the safe side. What does the majority think?
Good for reefs or not?


Active Member
I have heard of this too so i don't use the carbon but i don't know??? sry. I took the carbon out of my filter. If you find the answer keep me posted.


I have two emperor 400's on the back on my tank and they both have carbon filter cartridges in them. That is their main purpose since I have a wet/dry/protein skimmer underneath. My calcium stays pretty good. Now my PH..........that's in another post.........


sterling- got any pictures of yor tank-sounds very cool. How big is your sailfin? I have a much smaller tank and am going to have to give him to a friend as he has grown a lot and was one of my first fish. He seems to knock things over in the night after I go to bed.


The use of carbon in a reef tank depends on your filteration. Why use it at all?...To absorb disolved organic compounds. How important it is to you depends on your other forms of filtration. If you do not have a DSB, Wet/dry, or even a Protien skimmer then the use of carbon becomes very important, and should be used 24/7 without these other forms of filtration as well as water changes.
If you have DSB and a wet/dry or sump, and protien skimmer the use of carbon is viewed by many as unnessessary or only on a short termed basis to help polish the water.
I use carbon 24/7 on my 55 simply because there is no DSB or wet/dry or even a protien skimmer on it. I use kent reef carbon and chemi-pure, with occational additions of poly-filters. My 90 is a different story. IMO carbon does not strip the water of calcium or trace elements as much as people think it does. I think protien skimming will do more to reduce your trace elements than carbon.


Active Member
I heard carbon takes a dump after it's saturated. You need to be careful to replace it at the right time.



Originally posted by tvan
Carbon will also leech phosphates.

IMO : carbon does not leech phoshates, read on the back label of most carbons, it says " no leeching or releaseing of phosphates "
when buying carbon thats what you look for , phosphate free or no leeching.


Active Member
i was thinking, do i really need a powerfilter? i have an emperor in the new tank and i am debating if i should keep it or not. As for carbon, ive been running carbon for awhile and i dont notice a difference, i heard i should not change the pad right away because its bad... why?