


I have a 75 gal reef set up with a 20 gal sump below. When it comes to corals I plan to have a mixed take of SPS and LPS so I thought it would be a good idea to run carbon. Can I just buy reusable filters and fill it with activated carbon and let that hang into my sump where there is good flow?


First want to say thanks for the reply. May be a dumb question but how often do I need to change the carbon in the filter or cloth bags?


Originally Posted by florida joe
4 to 6 weeks
this is going to be dependant on numerous variables correct?
amount of carbon/amount of flow/other biological and chemical factors.
how much do you use and on what sized tank?
i have a 125 with more mushrooms than i would like (about 30-40) and they can release toxins that can be damageing to other life especially when agitated. i have been ajusting/rearrangeing my tank for about 2 months now and decided to not take any chances. the carbon is there to abosorb impurities and is effective against both natural and synthetic toxins. so depending of how many impurities/toxin you have will determine how often it needs to be changed. (clorine is one of the most common impurity that saltwater tanks battle and is easily removed with active carbon)
i use about 10 oz per serving on my 125 g.