

I have carbon in my HOT Magnum filter - does the carbon really need to be replaced monthly? Does it accumulate a healthy colony of beneficial bacteria? Would it be better to use the micron cartridge instead?


I know this thread is really old but I have basically the same question...same filter and I was wondering if I should use the carbon cartridge or micron cartridge for everyday filtration? Thanks-Greg


There are differing opinions about the use of activated charcoal in reef aquariums. Some experts say that it removes imoprtant microelements from the water, thereby restricting coral growth. This has not been proved, however is the only tool we have to remove harmful phenol and other poisonous substances from our tanks. Depending on the quality of the charcoal, it ceases to be effective within three to six months. Much of the charcoal available in pet stores will do more harm than good in a reef aquarium. This is because, even with some of the better quality material, an unacceptable amount of phosphor is released into the water during use.


So would you say that I'd be Ok running the micron cartridge instead on my mostly fish but a few corals tank? I might still use charcoal in the 2 day cleaning period of the micron filter. Thanks- -Greg


Active Member
In my 30 gallon reef, I use an HOB filter with activated carbon that I change about once a month or so. I noticed that my water is cleaner when I do use it. And as far as restricting coral growth...tell that to my star polyps that have tripled in size since I bought them in May and my button polyps which have literally sprouted onto 3 new rocks in 2 weeks and my mushrooms that are twice the size of what I bought back in March! I bought a colony of 5 mushrooms, and I now have almost 15 that are twice the diameter as the 5 original ones.