

Active Member
Well I'm going back and forth on the benefits of running carbon. After reading the "SPS & Mushroom" thread I'm wondering if I should be running carbon 24/7? I currently have several soft corals (leathers, toadstool, xenia, star polyps) and plan to have sps & lps. In this situation should I run carbon 24/7? and if so should I go back to dosing trace elements?
Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
Run your carbon on and it for a day or two..then take it out for about a week...many people do that...some even just run it a couple of hours at a time.


Active Member
Thanks dreeves, that sounds like a good plan.
So is it necessary to add in trace elements if you use carbon frequently?


Active Member
I run carbon on both my 5 and 20 - no skimmer. Run 24X7 - change monthly. I drip kalkwasser and add nothing else. I do weekly water changes .... levels all well within acceptable ranges
Amm/Trites/trates: 0
PH 8.2 or 8.3
Calcium 490
I have growth and it is increasing now with the kalkwasser drip but I think regular water changes that are well mixed and from quality salt replace a lot of lost trace elements ....


Active Member
overanalyzer, thanks for the info... Calcium 490... I'm jealous. I'm having a hard time keeping mine at 420... That's another post though.


Active Member
Ok so what carbon to use?
I found "HydroCarbon 2 Granular Activated Carbon" that claims to not leach phosphate and nitrate.
"Marineland Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon" that claims to works faster, better, and longer than the rest.
and is coal-based.
Seachem "Matrix Carbon" that is spherical shape for optimum water flow and efficiency, so water moves through it, not around it! Won't affect pH. Treats twice as much water for twice as long as most carbons!
And a lot of other kinds... :confused:


Active Member
As for the trace elements...chances are your water changes will replenish them...carbon...I use Aquarium Pharm...don't know what it is called...but a bang for the buck for me.
I run carbon 24/7 and my water is perfect. My ammonia is 0. My calcium 460 and haven't buffed it in month's.:eek: my nitrite 0. My nitrate 0. My ph is at 8.3. i also use black diamond charcoal.


Active Member
Thanks again for the info. That's a good artical Thomas. Now I just need to find a product that is pure active carbon...


Do not go with carbon. Use polyfilters instead. They will not leach any bad stuff out once they are full, they are superior to carbon in absorbsion of bad stuff like heavy metals, and turn color to let you know they have expired. Further the color will tell you what they are aborbing.


Polyfilters are wonderful, I have used them many times in the past, and I have some in stock. But the price is a little steep for contiunual filtration. Like anything else carbon has its pro's and con's. don't fear the carbon. Good sugestion though, good alternative :)