Cardinalfish not eating


Active Member
I just got a pajama cardinalfish for my 55 gal FOWLR and he has not been eating ever since I got him on saturday. Ive been trying to feed him frozen brine shrimp around 5:00 everyday but he doesnt even give it a second look. Should I be worried or is he still getting used to my tank?


mine was a PITA.. he would only eat live Brine Shrimp and never looked at flakes.
He finally ended up going after my Cleaner Shrimp so I got rid of him... but was a cool fish until then.


Active Member
Just tried to feed him flakes and freeze dried plankton today and he is still not eating. I am starting to get a little worried. It has been almost a week since I had him. What is this a sign of?
Well then you got a real finicky fish, just keep trying new foods. Make blends of your own for example go to the fish store and pick up a few seafood things and mix it up and try feeding him that, try using some sort of herbivore seaweed commonly used. Have you put garlic yet in your food if not try that, its kind of a food taste kicker and fish love the taste of it and its also good for there immune system


Seriously I had to feed mine LIVE brine shrimp.. he wouldnt eat anything else. Go to your local fish store and buy a 1/8th shot glass of bring shrimp. Get a small strainer cup and scoop some brine shrimp out and have the water strain out (it has to be small enough so that the brine shrimp to not go through the holes) and put them into the tank. He will go nuts!
You can put some bubbles in the bag that the give you and keep the brine shrimp a live for a bit longer for the next few days. So you'll have to buy 1.00 worth of brine shrimp a week. Only have to feed him once a day.