care for Pearl Butterflyfish


New Member
Does anyone have any idea how to get a pearl butterflyfish to eat. I have had this fish for a week. I have tried frozen shrimp as well as flakes. Its been a week and he is still extremely difficult to feed. I have resorted to feeding him with an eyedropper. He eats a little bit of the frozen shrimp through the dropper but not enough to sustain him I am sure (he is about 3 inches). He is extremely slow when getting to the food and he has been hiding for the most part througout the day under the rock alo. I have 2 green chromis, 1 clown, 2 yellow tail damsels. All fish are peaceful.
Any ideas?


Active Member
Try some garlic extreme by Kent Marine it acctracts the fish and if anything else it will help prevent ich.I'm sure there's other food attractants but garlic worked for my blue tang
Hope This Helps,
I am using garlic extreme with mine. My pearlscale butterfly is new to me today and already eating thought it is only flake food (Omega one). You can only find it at non chain stores.


I have heard that butterflies respond well to live brine shrimp! WHether it is true or not I don't know!