care of yellow polyps


New Member
My yellow polyps that I have had for about three weeks are withering away. Kept in a 20 gallon with 130 watts of light. Other inhabitants are doing well. What am I doing wrong?


yellow poylps in my experince like alot of flow. i have found out, the more flow they are in the easier they spread to adjoining rockwork....


Active Member
OUrs are doing well. THey are spreading also. They are in moderate to high flow and in the top of our tank. We have over 300watts of light on our 75.


Active Member
Yellow polyps are one thing I do not have any luck with at all. Even those I get from my friend that routinely has to thin them out, he places them in a 10 gal with eclipse hood with little to no flow on them, and they look fine. I get them and put them in my tank and they look great for a day or so, and then just semi open up and set there. Have sufficieint current etc, and have played with placing them in various spots in regards to lighting, still they fail to thrive...within a month they are usually history.......

lisa g

Mine do not seem to like the constant or heavy water areas, they bend near the base and don't open much so I had to move them. They are okay now and spreading. I recently cleaned my pump though and now I have little to no areas with low flow and they at first rebeled but they seem to be okay in the moderate area. Mine also like to get enriched shrimp sometimes.


New Member
i do have 4 peppermint shrimp to control anemones. Flow rate is moderate where the coral is placed.


Active Member
they like good flow good lighting and most importantly crappy water. one of the few corals that does great in very rich water.


Active Member
You dont have to have crappy water to keep these things. Have you been feeding them anything? Are they close to any other corals/anemones?


do they just dissapear one by one or do they wither away and die, cause if they dissapear my bet would be the pepermints :(