carib sea argamilk


Active Member
I bought some of the CaribSea aragamilk about 2 months ago, and have been trying it on my 1-1/2 year old 30 gallon reef. It seems to do what it claims to do by adding carbonates and calcium to a tank, but doesn't seem to raise the values much IMO. Seems to do okay maintaining them though. I still like be able to adjust my alkalinity and calcium independently, so I chose not to use it on my new 75 gallon tank. I still prefer using SeaChem products on this tank.
One thing about this liquid aragonite though is that it really clouds the water for an hour or so. It's great for getting a good idea of your water circulation patterns in your tank, but ya better watch close and be quick, after dosing this stuff, it doesn't take long before the entire tank is milky white.