caribbean vs. fiji live rock


Active Member
ok so i'm debating on wether to get caribbean live rock instead of fiji live rock, I've noticed that caribbean live rock isn't as widly sold but its kinda neat looking, its sorta flat rock. one reason I'd like to get caribbean is its more porus and takes up more space per pound than fiji, its reccomended to use 1.25-1.75 pounds of fiji rock per gallon while caribbean rock is only reccomended at .75-1.25 pounds per gallon, I was thinking of 60 pounds of fiji rock for a 60 gallon tank, I found 60 pounds of caribbean live rock for only $190 shipped but uncurred, 60 pounds of fiji would be more like $205 shipped uncurred so the caribbean would be $15 cheaper and fill the tank a good bit better
ps i've attempted to post a pic of the rock


All live rock is going to provide bio filtration. The thing you have to watch with LR is the weight. Some kinds weigh far more than others. Figi is one of the most widely used because it doesn't weigh as much as most others.


i have 50 pounds of caribben in my 75 gallon tank and it is not only beautiful but is working great for bio filtration. just an fyi Caribbean rock is very dense.


I ordered 45lbs of uncured Fiji LR. After the curing process I went to the beach to collect base rocks. The rocks I collected are pieces that have been pushed to the shore by hurricanes and storms. They dry and they have no traces of life. I collected 45lbs for the bottom and I placed the Fiji rocks on top. The Fiji rocks will give life to the base rock in time. I still need more rocks to collect, but the last time I went, I found Caribbean carpet anemones and brought three back with me. So, I didn’t collect rocks. I did found a hard coral, which I still don’t know its name. It’s purple and I’ve seen them yellow too. I will get a picture soon for Id. There are two different rocks I’ve found. One is very solid with lots of holes and the other is more like the Fiji except hardly any holes at all (flat in most sections). I did found a large white rock, which it doesn’t look much like a rock but like white dried hard sponge measuring 1’ 6” long and 6” tall. Very porous and I only picked it because I though it might house more bacteria (something I’m still waiting to see).
I collect many things here in Puerto Rico (hermit crabs, lettuce nudibranch, anemones, feather dusters, Brittle stars, serpent star, etc.) I don’t like the fishes like the eels or the species of angels (Ej. French Angel) and puffers.
Good luck with the rocks you pick, Fiji is good IMO.


Active Member

Originally posted by jjman101
i have 50 pounds of caribben in my 75 gallon tank and it is not only beautiful but is working great for bio filtration. just an fyi Caribbean rock is very dense.

well caribbean shouldn't be more dense than fiji since it only has a .75-1.25 pound per gallon reccomendation while fiji has a 1.25-1.75 pound per gallon reccomendation which would mean to me that it takes less of it to fill a tank


Active Member
so what exactily have you heard bad about that site, I don't need tons or coraline growth cause I'm only gonna have NO lighting for starting out so most coraline growth probably won't do well anyway, I also don't have much money to spend on live rock I need about 60 pounds I'm guessing to fill my 60gallon i''m gonna get, I can afford no more than $4 a pound shipped, what do you recommend