Here would be the short of it, first off be glad it isn't longer than a week. I would run any water you are adding to the tank through the RO, hopefully RO/DI(topoff water for evaporation, DO NOT ADD SALT TO THIS WATER AFTER PURIFING, FRESHWATER GOES IN FOR EVAPORATION LOSS. MAINTAIN THIS DAILY, unless she uses a auto-topoff, is so just fill that up with fresh RO water. Next thing I would worry about would be the dosing part. I would only dose the the calcium/alk supplement. You can go about it two ways, you can read the directions and go by that, blindly, I guess at the very least you should test the Alkilinity and the Calcium levels with the appropriate test kit, follow the directions, both test should not be difficult. This will give you an idea of where the tank is at now. The other way(correct way for now) would be to do like said with testing these two parameters, then testing tomarrow at the same time of day, be sure to record all levels when testing. After doing the two test, compare and see if there is any drop from day to day, this really should be done for about four days to a week straight. If there is some difference you will have to figure out from the bottles directions on how much of each product to add for the volume of tank water being used(not neccessarily tank size). If there is no change, I wouldn't add anything. Test next day and see if anything changed, and so on. It is kind of involved. I would not even worry about doing a water change, if that did happen to be on the list. As far as feeding goes, depends on the livestock, for starters, small amt. every other day, they should be fine as long as there isn't something special that needs fed daily or multiple feedings. Oh, hopefull there is a fill mark or something on the sump(if there is one) for when you are filling with purified fresh water, if not, a general guide would be not to overfill to the point where the protein skimmer outtake is below the water level(make sure where the water comes out of the skimmer, it is not under water, if it is and is not supposed to be, can lead to problems with overflowing the drain cup possibly. Good luck, I hope you can get through this.
I am sorry for asking this, I usually keep my thoughts to myself, but as a parent of 3, How do you let your daughter go away for a week with no way of getting a hold of her??? All I will say is, no way that would fly in my house.