Caring for hard corals?


I purchased my first hard coral the other day (acropora) what is it I need to do to keep it looking good and growing as in feeding wise, etc. Also plan on adding others soon but want to make sure this one makes it and after I find out what to do to keep them looking good. So you dont have to ask, I have 3 x 250 halides, and 4 x 80 T5 HO's on my 180.


Active Member
make sure your Ca levels are between 400-440, your Mg, Alk (KH or dKH also measure this) and phosphates are all in check. have a low nutrient system (no, haveing readings of 0 for amonia, nitrate, and nitrite dont mean that your nutrient system is low). and have an established tank
feedings are not necessary but can be benificial. the best things to feed are rotifers or oyster eggs.
also, they need a lot of flow and should not touch ANY other corals (xenia is okay)
they really arent too hard to keep as long as your tank is mature and you do all the normal things (like water changes). if you have the right system they arent very hard at all
can we please see a pic of it?


My levels are, calc 430, alk 125 mg/L ppm, trates, trites, amo, phos, all 0. The picture makes the coral look a little darker than it actually is.


Active Member
Yes its ok, no coral likes direct flow so it should be fine.
what is your total turnover in your tank?
how often do you feed your fish?
you have halides or t5


Originally Posted by Lubeck
Yes its ok, no coral likes direct flow so it should be fine.
what is your total turnover in your tank?
how often do you feed your fish?
you have halides or t5
I have both halides and T5's and I feed my fish every other day.