carpet anemone attack!

I never new carpet anemones could inflict so much damage! a friend of mine had this huge carpet wrapped around his hand and forarm, a month ago. this big carpet caused so much damage. first the arm was swollen as well as the hand. he mentioned lots of pain. we washed with vineger and said pain was intesifying! then he rinsed off with cold tap! same thing. so to get the remaining needles or whatever out he used duck tape? well its been over a month now and he still has some red spots here and there. but everything seems to be ok! i am now forgetting the idea of ever owning a carpet. i have a low immune system,so no telling what it would do to me.if one of these bad boys or any other type of anamone were to die in a tank and i needed to get it out of a persons tank could the bits and pieces still sting me? crazy sounding but very true story!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chestnutMoray
I never new carpet anemones could inflict so much damage! a friend of mine had this huge carpet wrapped around his hand and forarm, a month ago. this big carpet caused so much damage. first the arm was swollen as well as the hand. he mentioned lots of pain. we washed with vineger and said pain was intesifying! then he rinsed off with cold tap! same thing. so to get the remaining needles or whatever out he used duck tape? well its been over a month now and he still has some red spots here and there. but everything seems to be ok! i am now forgetting the idea of ever owning a carpet. i have a low immune system,so no telling what it would do to me.if one of these bad boys or any other type of anamone were to die in a tank and i needed to get it out of a persons tank could the bits and pieces still sting me? crazy sounding but very true story!

I wouldnt doubt it, however a persons individual tolerance to the stings is what makes one scenario worse than another. Just like a bee sting, I have been stung 15 times at once with nothing more than a painful like mosquito type mark. Where as a friend of mine was stung once and hospitalized for it. I have felt my condi's sting on an open cut once on my arm, it was not plesant at all.


Active Member
Yes they could.
ALthough i havn't heard of any stories like that one, i have heard (and experienced) irritation from having anemones touch the underpart of my arm and sting in places that I had open wounds.


ive always heard about them stinging but i have never been stung, i have been stung by a jelly and im told its about the same pain as they are in the same family, i try not to let the tentacles touch me even though ive never been stung, ive got 5 RBTA and a condi, they have stuck to me before but i never felt anything from it