I have two anemones in a 135g tank. One long tip and one green carpet. Have had both for about 3 weeks and they are doing well. They have both found places in the tank, but the carpet anemone is in a cave like area and I can't get to him very well, but he is in the open enough to see him spread out and look good. The LTA is between the rock and the sand in the front and looks great.
The LTA is easy to feed and quickly engulfs the small pieces of fresh shrimp I spot feed him, but the carpet anemone is very hard to feed due to location and it moves so slow. When I put a piece of shrimp on him, it starts to float away, or another critter comes and steals it before the anemone can eat it. The last time I know it ate a piece was about 2 weeks ago before he moved to the cave area.
I feed the other fish frozen brine shrimp and flake food, and maybe some is getting to him, but I'm worried he is not eating enough.
Any suggestions?
The LTA is easy to feed and quickly engulfs the small pieces of fresh shrimp I spot feed him, but the carpet anemone is very hard to feed due to location and it moves so slow. When I put a piece of shrimp on him, it starts to float away, or another critter comes and steals it before the anemone can eat it. The last time I know it ate a piece was about 2 weeks ago before he moved to the cave area.
I feed the other fish frozen brine shrimp and flake food, and maybe some is getting to him, but I'm worried he is not eating enough.
Any suggestions?