Carpet Anemone Question


Is this guy dead? I was watching him and all of a sudden he curled up and ended up like this.. I haven't ever seen it look like this.. Can someone let me know or help me..


Active Member
hard to tell from the pic , is he inside out? if so ,thats not a good sign, give him the sniff test, if its twists your face,:( Sorry


First what is the stiff test? Second he is still moving around.. alittle.. I dont think he is inside out.. just shrunk down alot


Active Member
He may not be DOA but if its inside out, usally thats a sign he will melt away, the sniff test is , if it smells real bad, he is on the way out, and if he croaks in the tank he will foul the tank real bad,


Should I take him out and isolate him in a bucket or something. .I wont have any filterization, but he will be out of the tank. .I dont need my take getting messed up. I just recovered it from a friend watching it for me while I was deployed.. I sniffed him.. he dont smell bad.. normal fish smell is all..


Active Member
I would not take it out,just watch it for now, sometimes they do crazy things when they want to move around


Thanks for the help.. I really hope its ok.. I guess as long as it is moving around it is ok.. After I took it out to sniff it it opened up alittle.. So hopefully its just sleeping :)


Active Member
I have 5 anemones in my tank, a green carpet 14inch in diameter, a purple tip sabae, 2 yellow sabaes, and a LTA, I was at a LFS the other day saw a green carpet about 30 inches in Diameter:eek: :eek: the biggest one I ever saw, a monster, going into a 500 gallon tank


I only have two right now.. Going to get some more here soon.. I want a variety.. and I am still new at the saltwater tanks.. so I am going really slow..