Carpet Anemone Removal


Hi, I have a 180 Reef tank..loaded with rock and my Green Carpet has me for --A lawnmower blenny, Mandarin, Scooter, Watchman, firefish, 4 shrimp, a clown goby. The tank is 2 years old and my lfs said it would be "No Problem" and that I would love it. My last trip there I told them to come up and take it back because I can't get the


6 months later I come to you...for I am out of ideas to get him out. So far I have: Put on a pair of gloves and tried to eradicate him from the rockwork literally hanging on him for 20 minutes while tickling it's mouth, Placing a power head directly on it to make it want to move, and squirting some lemon juice around it...a very make him want to move.
My dilema is that his foot is planted in the very bottom of the rockwork and disassemly is not an option because many of the polyps and corals have spread rock to rock and I would be cutting it apart, not to mention is looks beautiful the way it is and I don't want to disturb it.
Thanks for any suggestions.


why do you want to remove it....if it is stationary??


i thought about that but i also thought that it might be his stock list so i wasnt sure


Ok, nycbob, good idea with the icecube...I tried the icecube deal, and it definately ticked him off, the problem is that his foot is planted so deep in the rockwork I could only get so close to it. It curld up in a ball for about an hour after, than was perfectly content staying put. I think, it would go against their instinct to "let go" when they are "under attack", but good idea. I'm looking for more ways to get this sucker to let go, or attempt a move.


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
i thought about that but i also thought that it might be his stock list so i wasnt sure
That' s what he's eaten, and there's more than that.