Carpet Anemone Requirements. Help!



Hey, I wanted to know the specific requirements and needs of the Atlantic Carpet Anemone so it can live happily in my tank.
For better understanding I have a 29 gallon reef with a 55 gallon canister filter, 130 watt coralife light fixture (4.5 watts/gallon), and around 30 lbs. of liverock (another 20 lbs. to come). It's been up for about 6 months now and I wanted to get this anemone for a while for my perc.
Is my lighting strong enough for this Anemone?
Is my biological and mechanical filtration good enough?
Will I need to buy something for better water flow?
How much lighting a day is needed?
How often do you feed?
Thanks for all your posts!


Hi there. I would really do some research on them. I find that percs dont even like some carpets. If you really want one I woul go with a saddle back carpet with a saddle back clown fish. They love swimming in them. I have mine for three years and they are in love. I eventually took it out cause they have a really strong sting and it killed 3 six line wrasses of mine. The saddle back carpet as a milder sting than all the others also. So be really careful.


Active Member
i wouldnt advise you to get a carpet anemone with that lighting. Carpets really need t5 or MH lights in order to get enough light


Well thats too bad I cant get rid of my perc. They grow on to you I'm sure you know.
I think I'm just going to skip the aneome untill I get a new MH fixture when I upgrade.
Thanks for your info.


Active Member
Carpets are pretty difficult, really do best in stable tanks with metal halide lighting, plus they get pretty large, one would take over that size tank if it was healthy.


I would go with a bubble tip anemone. They are easiest to maintain and percs love them. Why are you so set on a carpet just curious? Your light s will work fine with a bubble tip but MH wouldnt hurt.


Originally Posted by ebob954
I would go with a bubble tip anemone. They are easiest to maintain and percs love them. Why are you so set on a carpet just curious? Your light s will work fine with a bubble tip but MH wouldnt hurt.
Really? I was set on the Carpet because I thought percs would choose that one. I have always really liked the bubbletip I did not realize that my set up would work for it.
Thanks so much for your reply's!