carpet anemone venomous?


Active Member
I dont think its a matter of them being venomous is it? Its a matter of them stinging you.. and most anemones that we pick up at the LFS's 'usually' dont effect humans unless they have very sensitive skin or are allergic to them.... some of the more powerful ones do not care if your skin is sensitive or not though! :p


Active Member
Carpets are one of the ones that can seriously hurt humans. Their stings are powerful. Some don't react to them at all, others will react violently (can even kill....kind of like a bad allergic reaction).
With carpet anemones, I would seriously invest in some rubber gloves if handling them. Better yet, don't handle them at all once they are in the tank!! Your hands may be fine, but if you touch your face, eyes, lips you could transfer toxins. You most likely won't die, but you will wish you were!!
If you do feel a burning on your hands after touching one, rinse the area with vinegar immediately (works for jellyfish stings too). This will neutralize the toxins and prevent any more damage. Then wash really good with soap and water.


Active Member
my right hand felt a little itchy and it looked like it had hundreds of small bubbles on it. so i washed my hands.
i was stung on the forearm when i was handling the ritteri just last week. it was like a bad mosquito bite.


Active Member
you are sensitive to their stings. Be careful as the reactions (the small bumps) will most likely get worse the more times you get stung. Gloves, gloves, gloves.
Also, give your hands a quick rinse with vinegar before washing. The fresh water from washing will cause any of the venom packets (for lack of a better phrase after a long day) to inject all of their toxins due to hydrostatic pressure. The vinegar eliminates that by neutralizing the toxins as well as dissolving any remnants. With the rinse, your hands will stink, but you will be better off in the long run. Trust me, this is experience talking! :yes: