carpet anemone


So i just picked up a blue carpet anemone from my lfs... its pretty massive, seems quite healthy i am guessing 12 inches.
all though i had a hell of a time getting it in the spot i wanted.
clown fish still have not gone near it! they are hiding in the back... grr...
now off to work but hopefully will update when i get back later to night.



Active Member
What happen with your other anemone?
It will move where it is best suited (light, flow, protection). Do not force it into a place that you want, this will just stress it out. Best bet is to put the anemone in there w/o any other corals and then add the corals after the anemone has stayed in one spot for two months.


I still have it. I was not forcing it in one spot I just held it there into the foot attached to the live rock, so it would not get pushed around by the power head's and get knocked into everything. ( i think it is moving but i hope not ) its very evil I bought special gloves to wear when handing it. it did attach its self to one of the employs hand when they got it in!! ouch!!
I am keeping a close eye on it over the next couple of day so if it does decide to move I can move other frags out of the way.
To answer your frag tank question. its kinda of a frag tank didn't really plain on it. into my harry mush started splitting like crazy and then I had to frag the frog spawn because it was to large to sport itself up. As you can see the mush to the right top of the anemone just split and to the bottom of it, the harry mush has split into 3 I think?
in Nano tanks I am going to start a thread on my tank.
I just took this pic


Nice carpet. Becareful, I had a large one in my 72 and it moved all the time and in it's path stung my corals and eventually had eated two expensive fish. They are beautiful and I got mine to house my clowns, but I had to take him back to the LFS before I went crazy babysitting his every move. Good luck.


haha thanks, yeah my clowns haven't touched him yet... =/ well see tomorrow, I dunno I think he " may " of just cough something I went to go check on him and he is all closed up... before was completely open or did yours close up at night?


you realy dont want your clowns to host in the carpet when it gets hungry say bye bye clowns carpets are notorious fish eaters. even fish you would think wouldnt have to worry about like tangs and large wrasses.
they are gorgeous anemones though!!!

rod buehle

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
you realy dont want your clowns to host in the carpet when it gets hungry say bye bye clowns carpets are notorious fish eaters. even fish you would think wouldnt have to worry about like tangs and large wrasses.
they are gorgeous anemones though!!!
keep in mind that there is more than one type of "carpet" anemone and they have very different habbits and very different needs. S.hadoni is a known fish eater. The S. gigantea, not so much. That anemone appears to be an S.gigantea. One of the most difficult anemones to keep. They require bright light, and strong flow. Many (me included) will say a Surging flow. They will usually perch themselves at the sand/rock interface with their foot attached to the rock.
They usually dont "come in" in to good of condition. This one appears to be in fairly good shape. At least the mouth is not gaping. It does look a little hungry. Small particles are best. I have a special feed, when I feed my fish, I just feed heavily enough to the point of where the fish will take extra pieces back to the anemone for storage while the fish go eat more, or what ever make it past the fish, lands on the anemone. Be careful with this method of feeding as to not overfeed and polute the tank. S.gigantea are difficult to make happy and they need good water conditions.
Good luck with this most beautiful anemone. Their track record isnt the best. What type of lighting do you have? how is the flow?


my is good I think around 600 if i remember right, the lighting is 150 MH. I was told to feed it sliver sliders


To answer your question, yes it would close and sometimes shrink. It is then at night that mine use to make his moves. In the mornings to follow, I never knew where he would be. I moved corals to accomodate it and he still seemed to find trouble just like a little kid. He is gone back to the LFS and and I am happy I took him back. Mine were under 2x250 MH.