Carpet Anemone


New Member
Has anyone had a carpet Anemone with standard floresent lights? I have two 48" in a 72 gallon bow tank.


New Member
You are deffinatly going to have to get more light to get the Carpet. In my 110 gallon community I have a beautiful foot long Carpet that is doing great with 4 96w PC, 2 10,000 K and 2 Actinic. This lighting is probably on the low side but I arranged the Carpet to the top half of the tank and he is happy as can be with his 3" Maroon Clown. He even eats feeder goldfish.


Active Member
scfishman: If your carpet is at the top of the tank he isn't as happy as can be. They prefer to be located in the sand bed so that they can bury their "feet" into the sand bed.


Active Member
I have a Green carpet anemone for already more than 6 month with 3x40 watts standart flouriscent bulbs in my 110 gal tank. She's doing pretty much good, sitting at the bottom of the tank. IMO this is pretty hardy animal, she survived 2 huge ammonia spikes and long lasting nitrite problem.


Pineapple House,
A little over 1 year of reef keeping and already an expert on all anenomes? I do not mean to be sarcastic here, but I would refrain from giving advice on them. You may be able to repeat what others have said, or what you have read, but an expert?
Most people who have kept them recommend they stay in the ocean. I thought Actinic lights were around 7100K not 20,000K. You did not say anything about feeding them, symbiotic algae, etc..
If you are truly an expert, I thought you would discourage their being kept in a reef tank as many other on this forum have. Again, we on the forum would be glad to learn all we can about them if you have the time and are willing to share your knowledge. They have proven to be challenging to many, especially beginners. Looking forward to hearing more information on keeping them alive for many years in a reef tank.


Active Member
WE have to try to do the best we can and create the best environment based on research. I have no where near the lighting I need to keep a bubble tip (2 24" 15 watt no's and one 2 bulb 48" 50/50 with blue actinic on a 55 gal) and I was given one when my tank was only 2 months old! The bubble tip promptly found a home, my tomato clown moved in within 2 hours and a couple weeks ago the bubble tip split and both pieces are doing wonderfully, eating well and the tomato clown is keeping itself very busy with both of them. Point here is IME, something I never would have bought but got as a gift has somehow miracously thrived. I am NOT recommending this to anyone! Just sharing my experience. Since you have already gotten them do the best you can afford to by them. Good luck :)