Carpet anomeno wont eat


I bought fresh raw shrimp, chopped it into 6 pieces put a piece on the anomeno near its mouth.
it never touched it as far as I could tell. The clown fish, though, did eat it.
Next week I chopped it really fine so it would go through the end of a 60cc syringe.
Mised it with water from the tank. Squirted it on the anomeno. Still nothing. Came back a couple of hours later. Most of it was still there. The clowns were picking at what was left, so I suspect they ate what ever was gone.
Any ideas about what I should do?


I have never had a carpet anenome, but when you put food in their tentacles, the should automatically move the food towards their mouth. This is what my anenomes do. I feed the silversides, and have never had them refuse it. I have never put it near the mouth though.
The tentacles should also be sticky when touched, or when you put the food in them, it should stick.


Mine loves silversides- I just lay a few pieces on his (her? its?) tentacles and it moves them to its mouth and eats them. The anomone will also snag live brine shrimp if they get too close :)
Maybe feed the clowns first? If you toss food in the tank that the clowns go after, you could feed the carpet while they are busy.
If the carpet isn't happy it might not be could try a Phytoplex, Micro-vert, Coral-viate regimen as well as calcium, etc. to see if that stimultes the appetite.
Your clowns remind me of my ex- more concerned with themselves than the supposed symbiotic relationship we were supposed to have LOL.


What are silversides?
This is a carpet anomena I bought from SWF so its tenacles are only just bumps.


if the tentacles are just bumps then it is S haddini .. i have a blue one that wouldnt take food for weeks until it got used to the tank .. now it eats anything.. it and my green one just got new host clowns but my long tentacle anemones wouldnt eat while clowns were living in them
is this it?

good luck just give it time


Do you have any other anemones? If not is your lighting good enough? Mine wont eat if its dark could have to do with not enough light.


Yes, the picture is what I have.
I do have another long tenacle anemeno which eats flake food that I feed the fish.
A clown has just taken up residence in it the last week. I haven't noticed if it is still eating. I will watch closer.
The haddoni is on the bottom of the tank. Thats where it moved itself to. It was on a rock near the top of the tank. I have had it about 3 weeks now. Wish I had a digital camera so I could post pics.
Love to see your pics.


Active Member
I have 11 anemonies in my tank and they all get food shoved right in there mouth.They close up, eat and then come right back out.How long have you had the carpet?It usually takes anemonies a littlw while to adjust to a new tank.Give it some time and try feeding it again.But I would leave him alonre for a few days at the least.


Silversides are small fish similar to small minnows. They are usually available at a good fish store in the frozen food area. I use only them for my anenomes and my starfish like them too. Like others have said, give it a little more time to adjust. If you have good enough lighting, and it chooses to eat, it should do well. Keep trying every day or 2 to feed it.