Carpet Nem Spawing???


[BI have a carpet nem for about a year now i think it is a S.hadoni
He --or she is in my 90 reef tank ,two months ago it moved about a foot.stayed there and before it started to move back to its original, i found the sandy bottom around it covered in little rust colored specks, didnt think much about it at the time, in a couple of days they were gone.Now it was moving back to where it started from, it stopped about 4 inches short of the original spot, now its in the front cornor of my tank, it was fully open about 12inches around, today it has moved about an inch, but where it was is now covered with hundreds of rust color specks( on the glass and sand). They look like tinny rust colored squares, and at first i thought maybe my black and white clowns laid eggs, but the specks are slowly moving around by themselves. Any ideas what these are?? i will try to get pictures of the specks.


Originally Posted by thetoyman13
[BI have a carpet nem for about a year now i think it is a S.hadoni
He --or she is in my 90 reef tank ,two months ago it moved about a foot.stayed there and before it started to move back to its original, i found the sandy bottom around it covered in little rust colored specks, didnt think much about it at the time, in a couple of days they were gone.Now it was moving back to where it started from, it stopped about 4 inches short of the original spot, now its in the front cornor of my tank, it was fully open about 12inches around, today it has moved about an inch, but where it was is now covered with hundreds of rust color specks( on the glass and sand). They look like tinny rust colored squares, and at first i thought maybe my black and white clowns laid eggs, but the specks are slowly moving around by themselves. Any ideas what these are?? i will try to get pictures of the specks.

I think when nems spawn, they just spew and the eggs go everywhere. Lets hope they are not flatworms, which are irritating the nem, which is why it is moving around.


Originally Posted by windlasher
I think when nems spawn, they just spew and the eggs go everywhere. Lets hope they are not flatworms, which are irritating the nem, which is why it is moving around.
I was thinking that they might be flatworms as well ....
If they are flat worms, there's two ways you can get rid of them that I know work from past experiences with the horrible little creatures.
1) siphon out as much as possible every day. I'm convinced they breed like bunnies
2) Salifert Flatworm eXit
I did a very dumb thing once and bought a sixline wrasse to battle my flatworms. Horrible decision. He battled everything else in my tank except the flatworms. Good luck.