carpet with low IQ >


Active Member
ok so this weekend i got a very nicely colored brown carpet anenome. supposedly it is often referred to as a 'saddle anenome', idk... its about 9" diameter and is sort of folded so it looks like it is about ready to split...ok fine.
i was intially under the impression that carpets usually get themselves in one spot and tend not to move from there for a long time... this guy is placed in my 150g with 250 lbs of LR and decides he is too good for LR and would rather stick to the wall of the tank. ok, not my first choice, but se la vie.... i come down the next day and this character walked his way half the distance of up the tank, only to get sucked into the impeller on my rio 600 PH. :scared:
so i shut it off and he frees him self, looks a little beat up but otherwise ok. he locks down on some rock, and what happens? today i come downstairs and the same FRIGGEN THING!
what the hell is wrong with this guy? someone :help: :notsure:


Active Member
Anemones move, it’s your responsibility to ensure that it can not get sucked into the power head. I would have thought that you would have learned the first time. And an fyi, I see in another thread that you also recently bought a BTA, you will want make sure that the two anemones do not settle near each other and you may want to make sure you run carbon. Hope you have MH, carpets are very demanding.


Active Member
i have had the BTA for a few weeks now. i am well aware that anenomes move, i was just surprised at how much the carpet moves, when compared to what i have read. the anenomes are on opposite ends of the tank. and i run carbon. how exactly do you 'ensure that it cannot get sucked into the powerhead' ?


Active Member
There are all sorts of ways to cover the intake…I use sponges to diffuse my intakes (even if an anemone were to get up there it would not be harmed).


Active Member
No, I use a filter sponge, you can buy it at most pet-shops. To attach it I cut a hole in it and attach to the bottom of the power-head.


Active Member
are you putting it inside of the housing? or if outside, what means of attachment do you use? perhaps a pic?


ok u get a sponge its a block u cut a whole in this block of spong in the shape and dementions of the power head in take only maybe a tiny smaller u stick the intake in the hole of the sponge ofr one if u cut it small it should be tightly fitted and its on a intake so u dont have to "attach" it
im pretty sure capets like sand bed or glass not rock so yes ur carpet is to good for rock

good luck