carpet with strings of mucus hanging


ok i looked this morning and he looks worse. should i just pull him out of the tank??he got stringy go comin from him but still maintains his color. lokks ill though. will this affect my water?should i take him out???


plz help i need an opinion before i have to goto work. should i take him out of the tank .he still kinda alive but is clouding my water i believe.


If he is clouding you water, it is probably starting to decompose. If so, I would recommend that you remove it.
You could also bring it to the surface, remove it slightly, and if it stinks, get rid of it. If you have a temporary place to put it, it would not hurt. I had a condy anenome do the same thing, and it looks great right now.
Before destroying it, make sure it is dieing, anenomes can look rather rough for a while, and bounce right back. Sometimes mine when exceting waste look bad for a day or two. I haven't really been following your other posts to much, but atleast give it the smell test first, then if it smells ok, if you can, put it in another container to you figure out what is going on.


holy crap he smells like a fish market in chinatown. id know my mom makes me go there all the time when i was young


Sorry to hear he didn't make it st3. That sucks. Are you using R.O. water? What kind of lights do you have?
In college, I was using tap water and I tried to add an anemone and it melted (metals in tap h20). Then I dropped it into this funky 1970's green shag carpet on the way to the sink. I will never forget what it was like trying to get that ooze out of the shag. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


I would stay away from aneomones and corals with tap water. Even if it is good one day, it may not be good the next. And I mean even after you condition it to remove chlorine, etc..