Carribean live rock

Does anybody have any exsperience with this type of rock, The price is pretty good the rock is cured and shipped overnight its about
420.00 for 120 pounds delviered
Let me know your thoughts.


Im not sure on that exact kind of rock but the price is good for online. I dont know how true the "cured" part is. With shipping the rock and taking it out of the water there is going to be die off on it. You are going to have to fully cure it either through your tank cycle or in its on set up when you recieve it which could take a week to a month depending on how long it sat out of the water and how well it was packaged. I have found a good way to save a lot on Live Rock costs is to check online or at fish stores to see if there are any local clubs or fellow hobbyists. Many times you will find live rock at about $2 a pound if someone is trying to get rid of it localy. Hope this helps you out a bit
Melee I plan on using it in my new tank with the cycle, Has anybody seen any of this rock and does it look good? Please all post a comment.


Active Member
Damn...I had to scroll way over to type.....
Those pics dont look like too much Carb. I have seen...
Carb. most of the time is very dense and very heavy...Hence it doesnt go as far as some other type..I used carb. when I 1st set up a 29gallon..53lbs worth of it...When I upgraded to my 92 and now to my 180 I use Walt Smith Fiji....I have gotten it before for $98 for 50lbs...I got some pics of it...Nice rocks..