We got my two kiddos a pumpkin each to carve up and let em at it today. Man, do we ever have fun doing that! My sweetie and I do most of the work cutting out the top, scraping out the insides, and seperating out the seeds. Then while my boys had a wonderfully wicked time playing war with all the pumpkin guts I washed and roasted seeds. They came in, took a bath (and no, I haven't seen the tub yet and don't wanna!!!), then I supervised while they carved up their pumpkins. We lit em up, ooohed and ahhhed for awhile, then all curled up with a movie while we munched on roasted seeds.
Aaaaahhhh I love holidays!!! I hope everyone else is having as lovely a Halloween weekend as we are!
Aaaaahhhh I love holidays!!! I hope everyone else is having as lovely a Halloween weekend as we are!