Case of the Disappearing ich?!


I thought I had what was ich in my tank, and was prepairing my hospital tank for a hypo for all the fish, when suddenly the ich seemed to be disappearing on its own. So I wondering if maybe it was no ich but something else. Ok here how things "went down."
Morning: I noticed my butterfly had white specks (size of sugar crystal) on his body. I kept an eye out and the next morning noticed it had gotten worse and spread to my angle fish. That day I came home at lunch to corral everyone into the hospital tank to begin hypo, but the ich was gone! Very strange. No specks anywhere.
Next morning: The white specks were back. This time my Royal Gramma had one on his head...but none anywhere else on his body and the specks were back on the Butterfly and Angel. I came home again at lunch to get them in the hospital tank, and the specks were gone again!
It has now been two days without specks on anyone, but I have noticed that the butterfly now has white smudges on his fin. I say smudges because they are not well defined specks. More like smudges of white.
I do have a cleaner shrimp, but I doubt it would be him cleaning off the all the parasites on the fishes bodies...would it?
I am confused. I would hate to do hypo if it is not necessary, but want to catch the ich early if it is ich.
Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!