Catalaphyllia disease ?


New Member
After 1 month on top form,yesterday morning, I see my catalaphyllia in nasty state !!!!
A part of the invisible polyps, full of strands mésentériques on the coat, and translucent slaver which gets free of it while he was on very good form !
No worms or the others harmful on the skeleton !

The only thing makes two days before, I lowered my density of 1 point with some fresh water and that's all.
Parameters always good, N03 between 0, 2 and P04 in 0 !
For info, he is of origin Australia.
I cleaned the slaver and 6 hours later, the catalaphyllia was a little better and opens again little.

My fish :
1 Chelmon, 1 Zebrassoma Scopa, 1 Loriculus, 1 Hexatenia, 1 Mandarin Pictarus, 2 Clowns Percula and 1 Acanthurus Olivaceus !
My invert :
10 Astreas, 10 Blueleg Hermit Crab, 5 Babylonus, 1 Arcaster and 2 Lysmata !
this morning, the catalaphyllia is in the same state ! Nevertheless this night I saw nothing !
Disease ? Attack of fishes or other ?
Thank you for your help, and sorry for my english !


Active Member
As good as the above advice is
are those little things hitchhikers on your coral?
It's late and my eyes are fuzzy and having a hard time paying attention to anything over a sentence long but if you have hitchhikers -- could be doing harm attacking a pretty coral.