catalina goby


New Member
Hi everyone
I was wondering if anybody has a catalina goby. My 24 g nano is almost ready for a fish and I have been searching for the right one. I will probably eventually get a clown and a purple firefish but I really like the colors of the catalina. I have read about it and I know it is a cold water fish. My tank will probably stay around 78 degrees. Has anyone had success with this fish in temperatures this warm.
Thank you


Don't buy it! This only encourages LFS's to get more when you yourself know it's a cold water fish and Catalina is a lot colder than 78*!


their water temp. is normally around 68-72 degrees, good looking fish, normally max out in size of 1 1/2in...anyways its way to cold for other fish/vice versa


I ordered some fish from an online store and they sent me one by mistake. They told me to keep him (Bonus!) and then sent me the correct fish the next week. I didn't find out that they like colder water until after I had put him in.
I have had him in there for a couple months now and seems to be doing ok. I keep my water temp at 77 degrees. I am not saying that it is good to have one in such warm waters, but I just thought I would share what I know so far.