Catalina Sump/Refugium combo


still shopping! does anybody have experience with this product? Catalina produces good lights but not familiar with their reputation in sumps/refugiums. this product includes sump, skimmer and pumps for each. their return policy is unforgiving, so i need to be sure!


Active Member
I bought it off the famous auction site and LOVE it. You will still need to by tubing for the return line and also from the overflow box down to the sump. I have the 150 gal. rated one which comes with a huge skimmer. Because of the height, I asked for a smaller skimmer, they sent a big one. It would not perform for me, they sent another, still did not work. they sent the smaller one that I asked for in the first place and it produces excellant skum. I am very happy overall. if you order it you can call them for assistance or email me and I can talk you through the setup.


Active Member
Sorry to bump an old thread but I was curious how the sump is working for you now hot883. The reason I ask is because I just purchased a smaller version (rated for 75 gal because that is all I can fit under my tank) and while at the fish store the guy had a very low opinion of the brand. Of course that could just be because I brought something big from someone else.
Anyone else have this unit and have an opinion on it?


as to the whole system i cant speak but as to the pumps i found they freeze up often even with cleaning. i got a CA pump this spring with another brand of refugium setup and it now resides in my salt mix can and is replaced with a mag 9.5


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pallan
as to the whole system i cant speak but as to the pumps i found they freeze up often even with cleaning. i got a CA pump this spring with another brand of refugium setup and it now resides in my salt mix can and is replaced with a mag 9.5
Thanks for replying, I hope I don't have that problem but I guess you do get what you pay for...