CATCH 22.. to QT??

Dilema?? If a fish has signs of ICH, and he seems to be doing fine in the main tank.
It is my experience with so much LR that by the time you net them and stress them out, they are shedding ich.... Then when you put them in the QT, they are so stressed from being caught that they die!
Has anyone ever experienced this??
I ask because I just had a bannerfish that looked like it got "bit" he actually had a chunk taken out of the top of his body.... I used melafix in the main tank to help heal his boo boo. Then a day later he showed signs of ICH.. ?maybe cuz he was stressed from the boo boo? I tried ONCE to get him but he hid in the rocks....So, I thought I would leave him and watch him.......2 days later he was rapid breathing and dropped dead, right before my eyes!
Isnt this a catch 22?? If you chase them to catch them, then they really get ICHY! I was fishless for 4 weeks and got a UV for my tank. The I added fish again........... ICH! I think I may have to round up all my inverts and put them in QT tank so I can treat my whole tank, fish in it...... As for LR and LS.... can you treat the main tank as long as I remove the corals and inverts??
I dunno........... I hate ICH! At my WITS END!
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Staff member
If you QT your fish BEFORE they ever go into your main tank, to deal with ich BEFORE introducing it into your aquaria, then this problem would never come up.
The stress from being bitten and the chase around the tank to fetch sick fish out is indeed problemmatic and can cause disease and death in sick fish. Thus to avoid such issues, a month in QT prior to introduction in to the main display will eliminate most of these issues from ever coming up to begin with.