catching a chromis


I have a chromis in my 5 gallon tank and im trying to get him out to take him back to the fish store, he is to smart to get caught with a net some im not sure what else to do...i put a cup in the tank and im hoping maybe he will get used to it and swim inside of it...any other ideas would be helpful


Active Member
You could always see if that professionaly made fish trap works. Might be handy to have around later too. It's supposed to be less stressful than netting, although I have trouble seeing how you're supposed to be able to pick which fish it captures.
Food in a glass jar works for many, but you have to be vigilant about it.


Active Member
Yep, just had to do this. I turn out the tank lights, use a small flashlight to see the fish and scoop him up. I often do this if I need to get a fish out that is hard to catch. You might want to also shut the room lights off too when doing this.
Good luck....Debbie


I have used a fish trap. Worked well. I used it to catch a lunar wrasse that was impossible to net.


that flashlight idea sounds really smart. wish i had heard about that before the night i spent 2 1/2 hours chasing my clownfish around the tank.


I let a pretty big net rest in the tank for 2 days. I don't feed the fish during that time... When I finally do feed them, I scoop the net right up under them. Never caught that stinkin' damsel that way, but all the others fell for it.


LOL A FIVE GALLON? try catchin em in a 45g with 40+ lbs of live rock. i had two damsels i wanted to remove... i had to take out all the rock to get them out. i was soo frustrated when i caught em that i was about to flush em... LOL jk they got me 5 dollars towards my clownfish. i did threaten them though. :D