Catching a Damsel


New Member
Does anyone have any good ideas on catching a Damsel? I have tried and tried and I can NEVER get close to catching him!


Active Member
Depending on what else is in your tank (like rocks), it's a good idea to siphon some of your water out, about half way or so.
Find something to divide your tank with if possible. Then use a clean empty plastic pail and chase him into it with a net. Lotsa patience required. Good luck!


New Member
I had to catch a blue damsel a few months back. My roomate & I had to pull out rock work & at one point we had all four of our arms in the tank (not recommended) chasing that little

around. Finally cornered him after dividing the tank like stated above. Good Luck.


New Member
Thanks. The damsel is a freaking expert at evasion! If I even pull the net out of the cabinet he knows it and will immediately hide in the rocks! I have heard of traps, but I hate to spend money just to get 1 fish out. Thanks for the replies!


I just tried to catch a damsel out of my tank the other day and even had two nets in there but did not catch it. But I noticed later that after the lights had been out for awhile I had to do something in the tank and I could get very close to the fish and it did not move away fast. so next time I will try after the lights go out.:D


I caught a fuji blue devil by using a clear plastic breeder box and chased him it using a net. I held the box against the wall and when he went in I quickly trapped him. It took about 20 minutes though.
...or you can use a trigger or lion fish. :eek: :D


when i had to get a fish out of my tank i took a clear plastic soda bottle (20oz) tied some fishline to it.. long enough to hang it over the outside of the tank. then i put some food in it and placed it in the tank.. when the fish went in for the food i pull the fishline and got the soda bottle out of the tank. it only took about a 1/2 hour.. if your fish is a pig with food this might work... good luck and WELCOME TO THE BOARD !!!:D
Try to drive the damsel into the side of the tank and pray that you catch him!
It may be a hit-or-miss way but here's my record.
2 Blue Damsels: 22 mins
1 Yellow Damsel: 43 mins
1 Yellow Tailed Damsel: 12 mins


New Member
1 yellow damsel 5 minutes.
But i only have a 20 gal tank....hmm maybe it's 25gal i'm not sure?


Active Member
if you're not too attached to the settings of your live rock and you really want the damsel out, just throw the live rock in some buckets with some of your tank water. it's a lot easier to catch ornery fish in a tank that has nothing for them to hide in or around.


I had a small problem catching my two. What I did was poured two gallons of bleach in my 75gal and they swam/floated right to the surface.
Ha HA HA Just kidding......I actually got mine by chasing them into the rock work and then removing the rock they were in and then shaking the rock over my net. Worked really well. Just my $.02 though.


Active Member
gun? Skewer?
Just kidding, but now you see why people avoid damsels for cycling. Besides the inhumane aspect of it, most don't want to keep them after the cycle is done, and this is what happens...
Everyone I have talked to has had to remove the rock to get them out.
As was recommended though, patience is the key. Leave the net in the tank for a while, so they can get used to seeing it. Then only move it very slowly coming up to them....then WAM! scoop it up.


i laughed at the subject line of this thread...
man it took me forever...just pull the rock out... i tried with the rock. After about 30 min. all the rock was out. I got em but it probably took 2 hrs to get 3 yellow tails.
good luck


New Member
Thanks everyone. I FINALLY caught him ( or her ) ! I had to take all the rock out of the tank so there was no where left to hide. What a pain! Thanks for all the ideas.


When I moved my 90 gallon tank. I removed half the water, all of the live rock to buckets, looked around.... darn damsel hid in a rock I took out :(


Congrats! For anyone else in the same boat....
See if your LFS has a trap that they will rent for a few days. I rented one for $4.00 and caught my yellow tail in less than 60 seconds. It was a clear acrylic cylinder with a sliding door held open by some fishing line. I baited it, on feeding day, and crossed my fingers but he went right in. This was in a 30g Hex.


New Member
This morning I wanted to catch my 2 blue tangs out of the tank. Reason was becausing they are infected with ich. I also have 3 damsels in my 60 gallon w/ about 60 lb of LR. I wanted to get rid of one of my damsels so I tried to catch him. The blue tang was a pain because they know whats going on. I held the BIG net still and put flakes nearby. My 2 clown fish that I had didn't care about the net really. So the damsel was observing and saw that the clown fish was eating so he wasn't afraid of the net. MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO and BAM caught him!! Took me only 3-5 mins. That was luck but I still didn't get a chance to catch my tangs out.
But patient and baiting I think is a good answer.