Catching a Flame Hawk


Any advice on catching fish? I mean with all the rock and hiding places it seems impossible. I need to remove my Flame Hawk, my LFS will gladly make a trade with me provided I can catch him. Thanks for any suggestions.
I don't have any good advice....flame hawks from my observations are very quick to hide with even the smallest disturbance.
One method I have heard that works is using food to lure a fish into a net. However, the conditions are A) the fish has to come out during feeding time and B) you have to keep the rest of the fish out of the net.
Place net in tank and leave it there over night. This will lessen the fishes' suspicion of the net. Then at the next feeding try get the hawk to feed above the net and gently bring the net up around him. What I would do though is not lift the net completely out of the water, just enough to contain him. Then use a plastic container to take him out of the water. I don't know if I explained it very well. But anyway, this is to avoid the fish from getting caught up in the net and to reduce stress since he never leaves the water.
Just a thought.....good luck.....I can't guarantee this will work....only something I heard that worked for others.....I always end up taking out my LR......oh me a chance to try a new arrangement!!


I've had the best luck with leaving a large net in the tank till the fish get used to it. Then using a smaller net to chase the fish into the big one. I was able to get the damsels out of my tanks like this. It helps to know where they like to hide, and placing the big net into that area.
My big net is about 8" and the small one is about 2.5"


Active Member
I had to chase a Damsel I had once into a rock, I got a container, filled it with water from the tank, took the rock out put it in the container, than put a Damseless rock back in the tank, the Damsel in a bag, and poured the water back in the tank.