catching a sixline...


does anyone have any tricks for catching a sixline wrasse?? the little b**** keeps picking on my black misbar percs and they are way more important to me than she is!! she hates when anything takes attention away from her so now she's got to go - HELP!


Active Member
first hand experience...
had to help someone totally dismantle his 90 gallon to get his sixline out of the tank.
funny thing is, it is in my tank with no problems, but it had killed a mystery wrasse in his.


Active Member
Yup, slippery little bastads will not let you catch them if there is anywhere in the tank they can hide. Must remove rock to a separate container then get him. Too bad they are wonderful fish.


i was afraid you guys were going to say that. we had to remove this sixline from my 24 gal b/c one - it was getting bigger and i didn't think it had enough room and two - it was harassing my purple firefish. now we get it into my boyfriend's 75 gal, i add two black misbars last night and she just won't leave them alone!! we had to turn the lights off so she couldn't find them. the funny part is, the clowns could care less. she'll come up and try to nip at them and they just sit there and take it - don't even attempt to run


Ours was going after a Mystery Wrasse we had just acquired and we thought "Hmm, a $20 fish versus a $170 fish... which one is staying and which one is going?" It was obviously not a hard choice!
We had to dismantle our whole tank to get the slippery jerk. Took all of the other fish and LR out and chased him around till he got tired and slow enough.
He KNEW he was going back to the fish store, I swear he did! He would swim just outside of the LR and right when we'd go to net him, he'd disappear and then pop his head out of a hole as if to say "Haha!"

I think your best bet might be to start feeding with a net in the water, and over a couple of days the fish will learn that the net holds no threat, and finally, when it seems like you've got a good chance, feed them and then scoop him up.


Active Member
if you just added the fish, this is a normal behavior. i'd just leave it alone until he gets bored. its just a "hey this is my territory" thing that should go away.


Originally Posted by renogaw
if you just added the fish, this is a normal behavior. i'd just leave it alone until he gets bored. its just a "hey this is my territory" thing that should go away.
you know, i'd like to believe that but unfortunately i don't think that's the case with this brat. she doesn't have a very clean record and i've wanted to get rid of her for months now. the only reason she's stayed is b/c my boyfriend's roommate kept defending her but he's moved out and she's going too!! i might ship her to delaware to live with her buddy...


I had to remove my sixline wrasse in November because I fell in love with a yellowfin fairy wrasse. What I did was take a large ziplock bag and submersed it into the water. Left it there for a few min so that the sixline would eventually "forget" about it being there and then I took some food and squirted it into the bag. The sixline swam right in and I scooped up the ziplock bag and that was it!

Not sure if I got lucky or not... but it worked!~


Hmm, thanks KAT - i'll definitely have to try that! i'm afraid i'm going to come home and my boyfriend is going to be shooting BB's at it or fashioning a mini harpoon gun....


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Maybe getting a b/f that has a tank/fish that can handle a sixline?

(Sorry, the shot was open

hmmm, interesting point...i'll have to take that up with the current boyfriend and see what his thoughts are...


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I had to remove my sixline wrasse in November because I fell in love with a yellowfin fairy wrasse. What I did was take a large ziplock bag and submersed it into the water. Left it there for a few min so that the sixline would eventually "forget" about it being there and then I took some food and squirted it into the bag. The sixline swam right in and I scooped up the ziplock bag and that was it!

Not sure if I got lucky or not... but it worked!~

this is a great idea, and works on the same level as putting in the net for a few days in advance.