Catching Open Water Swimmers


I have the best fish trap, but it sits on the bottom of the tank. I've caught every fish that I've wanted to rid my tank of with it, however it seems that the open water swimmers (firefish, anthias,etc.. the one I want to catch)aren't enticed enough to venture into the trap for the food. Any suggestions as to catching these little buggers would be greatly appreciated.


Take out the rock and use a net. Not fun at all but it works. Larger fish you can use barbless hooks.


what i did was to lay some bridal veil material (from Wal mart or any other fabric store) across the rock work from top to bottom. leave an open spot on one side about a foot wide. wait a few hours and put some food into the open area, and the fish will come out to eat. it may take em a day or two to get used to it but it will work. when the fish you want is out front eating, close up the opening, and net em!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sbaumann14
what i did was to lay some bridal veil material (from Wal mart or any other fabric store) across the rock work from top to bottom. leave an open spot on one side about a foot wide. wait a few hours and put some food into the open area, and the fish will come out to eat. it may take em a day or two to get used to it but it will work. when the fish you want is out front eating, close up the opening, and net em!
Thats a really good idea, I will have to remember it.