catching them!


hi....i was wondering if i can catch the fish i want instaed of buying them??? the thing is the price of fish in egypt is sort of expencive and i think that its better if i cought them my self. there any way that i can do that????
i know that its not easy to catch reef fish.
please help.....if any one is adealer arround or knows anything about this...thanx

tru conch

Active Member
its not that hard to catch reef fish in the atlantic. all i use is a large hand net. the trick is to find an area away from the reef. at a reef there are too many holes for the fish to hide in. working a small "patch reef" is your best bet. hth.
My son uses a cast net to catch fish for his tank. Makes for an interesting tank. We are learning more about things we used to eat or use for bait. You can see pictures of his tank on my web site. good luck

cap'n pete

Hey Shady,
Just check out local and federal law before you go catching fish. I would hate to see you thrown in jail for trying to fill your fish tank!


LAW!!!!!!! not in egypt! well we only have that in tourist areas not to the coast i go to!
thanx so much any ways.......u made life easyer :D <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />