Caught EM


Active Member
Okay so me and my friends were messing around with some people...and they decided to egg our houses, and well guess what we caught em...they are all getting rounded up and arrested and then getting photoed...then they have to pay for a pro cleaner to clean it.....
thats how we do


I would suggest dropping the charges if they pay for the cleaning, alittle prank isn't really worth the bad blood


Active Member
Okay you guys dont know half the story...i was talking to some kid in spanish class and my friend D was next to me and he started talking trash i kept saying whatever man whatever, and he got he decided to egg our houses 3 times each..3!!! im not dropping any charges over some fatass scumbag


Active Member
haha good i hate when people (kids included) mess up other peoples stuff , i hope they throw the the book at them


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
Okay so me and my friends were messing around with some people...and they decided to egg our houses, and well guess what we caught em...they are all getting rounded up and arrested and then getting photoed...then they have to pay for a pro cleaner to clean it.....
thats how we do
Do you get to pick the pro cleaner? LOL get one of those people that does some home renovation show to come clean it for $10,000. Add insult to injury.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
haha good i hate when people (kids included) mess up other peoples stuff , i hope they throw the the book at them
the got arrested last night and photoed and now they have court, and they have to pay for the repairs...
iam glad to hear that you and your family did that. i have done some egging in my time. 9 out of 10 eggs didnt even make it to the house , lol. cant do that kinda stuff anymore. all i can say is what goes around comes around.
good luck.