caulerpa care


I wasnt sure where to post this one.. I am just starting up a fuge and have some caulerpa on its way ffrom a friend. I just am wondering how to care for it and getting it growing. What kind of flowrate, lighting cycle etc.... Greg


I would ditch the caulerpa completly and order/find some chaetomorpha if possible. Chaetomorpha doesn't go sexual like the caulerpa has the possibility of doing.
I have never used caulerpa, but I believe that the 24/7 lighting is an attempt to keep the chances of it going sexual on you and spreading all over your tank. I think Advanced Marine Aquarist says that in studies this practice hasn't lessened the chances of it going sexual, though (sorry, can't seem to find the article now).


Active Member
Should you only put seaweeds in your refugium or are any of them ok for your main tank?


I believe that very few people put them in the main tank. They can spread so much and become a major pain to always have to trim back.
I keep mine in my fuge only.


Active Member
I would definitely put it in the fuge. That was what I was referring to with the lights. Keep the fuge lights on 24/7 if you are going with caulerpa. Me, I like chaeto a lot better too. You do not need 24/7 lighting for that.