Caulerpa in Riverside, CA


New Member
My refugium is just about full so I'm going to trim it soon.
I have two kinds: feather and racemosa?
If anyone needs any to start up their refugium, I'd be happy to donate afew strands.
If you want more (sandwich bag size), I will galdly accept almost ANY frag of almost ANYTHING. Shrooms, polyps, whatever...
I only have enough for afew sandwich bags full, so, first come first serve.
riverside, ca


New Member
I don't know how well it ships.
I would help you out, but I can't ship stuff out. I have no car while I am at school


New Member
I light it (standard 10g refugium) with one Lights Of America 65w from home depot. Cost me ~$25 + tax. The caulerpa grows like crazy and the xenia grows better under this light than under my 250w 12k.
I have heard stories about these dying, but I have used one over my nano for ~1 year with no problems and this current one for ~2 months with no problems. I would recommend this to anyone. It's a great buy.


Ive also heard that if you give your caulerpa too much light it wont filter the water as well... Also in your 250w Halides those Home Depot bulbs too? I rather spend 20 bucks on a MH then 100


New Member
no, the halides are sunbursts... got them as part of a trade. The intensity is somewhat lacking though. I am actually looking for a 150w DE because I hear they are comparable and I need to save some money on electricity.


i was just gunna use 5.5k halides made by philips since im also using 2 VHO's so i hope that will help the apperance.


New Member
still have more than I want.
someone just come a take some. frags would be appreciated but is not require.
local only please