Caulerpa Question


Active Member
its fine to add it to your tank, just be ready to do some pruning....nothing really goes after it...snails, hermits, maybe an emerald crab if your lucky but for the most part, stuff stays away from it...however tangs will attack different types of caulerpa...not too many like the sawtooth or razor stuff, while others love the feather and grape!


Only danger is having it grow out of control in your display tank. without a predator (tang) to munch it it could take over the tank. some people grow it in their display tanks but they usually have something in the tank to control it's growth (tang). Not recomending that you get a tang just saying your snails are not going to keep this in check so be careful not to let it take over the tank.


Thanx for the quick replies!I understand that it will need to be pruned. I was worried it would get mowed down by my snails.