Caulerpa revisited

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Socal57che sent me a pm asking I repost pics of caulerpa going sexual so Soccal these pics are for you



Active Member
That might be a bit to intense for the family nature of this forum. That is scary. From your tank?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
That might be a bit to intense for the family nature of this forum. That is scary. From your tank?
Not from my tank and if you thought that was intense I guess it’s a good thing that the caulerpa was not from a tank in Texas after all you guys always say everything is bigger in Texas,

florida joe

Well-Known Member
FYI I would not put caulerpa in a DT but I grow it in my refugium and think it’s the best algae for nutrient export


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
FYI I would not put caulerpa in a DT but I grow it in my refugium and think it’s the best algae for nutrient export
I agree. It works well because of it's super fast growth rate. This is also why I will never again grow it in my DT.


Active Member
Any ideas what Caulerpa that is? Doesn't appear to be the dreaded
C. Racemosa or C. Taxiflora. I've tried to set off those two in my old 29, (well sorta) but forgetting to turn the fuge light on and having them go without light for over 72 hours, topping off straight onto them, and big water chem adjustments.
Not saying it won't happen, but maybe the going sexual thing is a bit over the top with reports, much like box/cowfish toxin issues...


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Any ideas what Caulerpa that is? Doesn't appear to be the dreaded
C. Racemosa or C. Taxiflora. I've tried to set off those two in my old 29, (well sorta) but forgetting to turn the fuge light on and having them go without light for over 72 hours, topping off straight onto them, and big water chem adjustments.
Not saying it won't happen, but maybe the going sexual thing is a bit over the top with reports, much like box/cowfish toxin issues...
I have a friend that has a 75 gallon sump FULL of calerpa. Never had a problem. But he does take a HUGE handful every day and toss it into the DT where the tangs go to town on the stuff.


Active Member
It's razor. All of my tanks have caulerpa in them except my reef. It kind of goes hand in hand with seahorses, I think, and I've kept them for years. I've had macros that went south but not really releasing anything. I've had 3 or 4 total white out situations. Most of the time it just goes blaaaaaah.
It likes to be pruned.
It doesn't like to be over pruned.
It likes temp/salinity stability. Before I got chillers on my tanks, when there was a heat wave, I guarantee you there was caulerpa going sexual by that night.
Razor is more stable than any of it.
I keep the caulerpas, racemosa (Grape), cylindracea (another grape), taxifolia (feather), prolifera and serrulata (razor).
When ya wake up and find your grape looking like this.....

... this is the time to remove it.
If you go to bed a let it go through the night, you may wake up to this.....


Active Member
Ya, I'm in Southern California and I'm working on a caulerpa article. They know I have it. I'm working on getting the LFSs in my area to sign up to be designated "Caulerpa Safe Environments"
And they honestly don't read the forums, super sleuth IP addresses and come knocking on your door.


Active Member
I've only lived here for a few years, but anyone that remembers the lagoon in Carlsbad covered with tarps and being saturated with chlorine to eradicate the stuff (millions of tax dollars were spent on the project) realize that these SCCAT people are serious. There is a button on their website to report violations. When I first tried to buy some at Tri-City I was told that I couldn't buy it and California Fish & Game Officers were visiting fish stores looking for violators. While I admit that the Man will prolly not show up at your door wanting to inspect your macroalgae, I feel it's best just not to own it. Is chaetomorpha so inferior?
As for fish stores having it...What keeps Average Joe from walking into a designated "caulerpa safe environment"...buying taxifolia, then 6 months later dump it in the drain when he takes down the tank. What does he care, he's moving to Nebraska. If your fuge generates a fistfull every few days, I can see it finding it's way to the ocean. But then, what's another few million to eradicte it. After all, this is California.
ps...nice pics, BTW


Active Member
Ummm... what are you talking about? First off, I have no idea what you perceive a "Caulerpa Safe Environment" to be, but let me explain. It's stores educated about Caulerpa. They promise not to carry it in their stores, they will isolate and remove it when it comes in as a hitchhiker. They are instructed about proper disposal so that they can be of assistance to the public and dispose of their own findings properly. They will be a designated "drop off" point for a hobbyist who find caulerpa on something they own and don't want to dispose of it themselves... the store will do so properly. The stores will carry all of the literature, will have a "Caluerpa Safe Environment" sign boasting of their environment friendly practices/conscious and be listed as a drop off point (free advertisement) in a Caulerpa article.
I actually mistakenly lied and I'm not working with sccat..... I didn't open the link beforehand and assumed in was the other caulerpa police found HERE.


Active Member
Sorry for the miscommunication. I thought you were trying to get certain LFS to carry caulerpa and sell it to "responsible" aquarists.
I have the USC link, too. I assumed that since you were propagating it that you were trying to get stores to carry it as well. Sorry.


Active Member
That's cool Dood.... I too am passionate about the topic or I guess I wouldn't be involved in it. I would never sell or trade anything that is in my tanks. Caulerpa is HUGE in display tanks where seahorses are concerned and cheato really isn't a good substitute structurally. When I moved to California I found many of the local boards had no clue about Caulerpa, what was legal and what wasn't nor about proper handling/disposal. Hence, the article is meant to educate not encourage peeps to keep it. I promise you I am working WITH them and am not doing anything illegal over here...... this is more than a hobby to me and I do feel a sense of responsibility. Working with endangered fish as I do, you do can a hightened awareness (if you so choose... cause we all know some peeps just don't care). But when horses were first red listed... UGH all the paperwork and red tape we had to push through. But all for a good cause.
Keeping this stuff like I do I fully understand it's invasive nature. The stuff is crazy and one day I expect to wake up with their runners entangled in my PJs trying to smother me out.
See? Get me talking about the stuff too leads to more than a mouthful of words. What was the original topic...LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I promise you I am working WITH them and am not doing anything illegal over here......
Okay, correction.... I don't want to muddy up the California/caulerpa rules. I AM actually doing something illegal by having it in my house. I do not live in San Diego so all of it isn't on the "no-no" list. But the garpe and the feather are....... I just didn't want someone to read my other thread and think it was legal to have those in your house.... because it's not. I know.... do as I say not as I do is a poor lesson. But they do know I have it and what my plans are.


Active Member
As far as SCAAT is concerned, I thought there is only 7 types of caulerpa banded?
All of which are either some type of feather/suction cup resemblance. Any of the red caulerpa, gracilaria for instance, is fine to have in CA?


Active Member
Red grape and gracilaria are not caulerpas.... they are not invasive and therefore the caulerpa laws don't apply to them.
There are more than seven varieties that are banned... anything with the name Caulerpa is banned in San Diego.
Out of the commonly found ones proliferia (blade) and serrulata (razor) are not illegal to have in the rest of California. Now, there ARE varieties of grape that are not illegal to have California (SD excluded of course) but they are difficult to decipher from those that are invasive... so it's best to avoid all varities of those groups.
You are not allowed to ship or transport taxifolia (feather) across ANY state lines.