Originally Posted by
inquiring minds want to know also
I would like to put some in my sump also, but LFS had it in their sump and it still end-up spreading to their DT
Always a possibility. Any small pc. that makes it into the display can lodge into a pc. of rock and become a full fledge new growth.
An interesting fact you ask??????
"Many cells vie for the title "World's Largest Single Cell." Near the head of the line are the enormous nerve cells of some animals—those in giraffes' legs may be several meters long. Yet these cells are not self-perpetuating organisms, but the pampered parts of a body, cared for by a complex system of blood vessels and immune cells. The ostrich egg might be a contender, to say nothing of the still larger eggs of Cretaceous dinosaurs. But an egg cell is as much the creation of a complex multicellular animal as a nerve cell. It is an individual, but it is not a mature, functioning individual. Some researchers give a score of 10 to the green alga Caulerpa—without question, one of the world's largest single-celled organisms."