

I have some caulerpa in my FOWLR. I have read all the threads on caulerpa in the display and I am aware of the drawbacks but I do not have a refugium or sump yet.
The caulerpa seems to be getting a white dusting on it. Are these the spores? Is it about to release them and mess up my tank? Has anyone here actually experienced a situation where their caulerpa has gone sexual?


Active Member
What kind of caulerpa is it? I personally have not had my caulerpa go sexual. About a month ago there was about 2-3 people that posted about theirs going sexual.


that sounds more like debris that has landed on it. when it goes sexual the algae will turn white/clear and then start smoking try not to let it get there and if it does pull it out as quickly as possible. what you can do is pull the whiteish clear spot off as they apear and harvest any excess that you have.