Causes of hard breathing and treatments?


Could someone please tell me why a fish would breath hard. My water is perfect, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite all 0. PH 8.3-8.5, Salinity 1.022, Temp 80. No aggression.
I have 2 fish breathing hard, not eating and laying in funny positions - like on their side or upside down...then they seem ok, then look bad again. However, all in all they are getting worse and I don't know what to do.
If it is a gill fluke, how do you treat?
I have the fish in QT hypo, but it is not helping.
I asked once before and all I got was admonishment. Frankly that did not help the fish. - Yes I added a new with without QT, but my LFS QT'd him for me for 2 weeks. I thought this would be ok, obviously not, but here I am.
Could someone this time please tell me how to help my fish.


Staff member
Is this still the butterfly? Which fish, how long the problem? You treated for ich, right? How did that go?
Give us some tank info: water readings but also type tank, age of tank. History of the sick fish. Other fish in tank doing ok? Have the sick fish eaten? Have any particualar problems with your tank? How do you mix your salt water? What is your water source?