CB on the attack!


Last night when the lights were still on, I watched our CB shrimp go way out of his way to move in and lunge at our new lawnmower blenny. The lawnmower didn't really even move, (he is about 4 times the size of the shrimp) and I don't think the shrimp did any damage to him. He then went back to his usual area in the tank.
Do you think I should be concerned, or is he just trying to make his presence known?
Thanks :)


feed the shrimp something!!!! else he might make a meal of your fish,,,, else get rid of him.... for sure keep an eye on him!!!


Active Member
Are CBs really aggressive? I just got one and am wondering how it'll do with other shrimp. I have 2 peppermints. I heard that you can't have two CB's in a tank unless they are mated and that the females are worse than the males.


Active Member
I agree with KRAZZY, feed him alot or get him out!! I just go rid of my CB three weeks ago after i caught him chowing on my cleaner shrimp. :mad: :mad: After they get larger they will become more agressive and go after inverts and possably small fish. I say bring him back to LFS if you can.


I have one cleaner shrimp and tow peppermint shrimp with the CB and they have been for a few months. He has not done any harm to them that I know of. I guess I will make sure he is well fed and keep an eye on him.
If I do find I need to remove him, catching him is the problem. Anyone have any suggestions?